I’ve been in Abilene a little more than two months now and things are going great. I’ve made some wonderful new friends. After a rather daunting move, I’m finally getting settled in to my new home. I’m even able to get around town without having to constantly check the GPS, although, I’m not about to leave home without it! I’m settling in just fine.
My dog Shelby, on the other hand, is having a little trouble. Shelby came into my life unexpectedly about a year ago. She belonged to my best friend who lives in Shreveport, LA. Shelby is allergic to fleas! To her, one flea bite is the equivalent of 100! You can imagine the flea problem in Louisiana. My best friend had been working hard to keep Shelby flea free, but it was a challenge, especially with a toddler and another baby on the way. So we decided Shelby should come live with me in Colorado. Fleas don’t flourish in the high altitude!
Shelby and I immediately bonded. She’s such a sweet girl. And so far, fleas haven’t been a problem for us here in Abilene. I’m very focused when it comes to giving her the flea control each month!
But after a few weeks here, Shelby developed a cough and was constantly licking and gnawing on her feet. It turns out she has allergies! Hopefully, they are seasonal. But for now, she’s on a steroid and it’s making her a little testy! She even growled and barked at one of the cats the other day. She’s never done that!
She’s not coughing or chewing on her feet anymore, though, so the medicine seems to be working.
In the meantime, we’re adjusting things at my house. Shelby gets her own room for now, so the cats won’t bother her. The steroids make her very thirsty, so she gets lots of water and lots of “outside” breaks! Her favorite activity is riding in the car, so we’re doing more of that, too!
Hopefully she won’t have to be on the medicine too much longer. It’s sad to see her fidgety and nervous. But underneath it, she’s still the sweet girl she’s always been, although my cats might not agree!
YAY! for another college friend blogging!! Can't wait to hear more about your life in Abilene! I hope Shelby gets better! Love poochies!