It's been a few weeks since I brought Princess Kate home, so I thought I'd give you an update. She's crazy!
Since Princess Kate (P.K. for short) moved in, I've had to have the fence in the backyard reinforced twice. I've also spent hours looking for her then chasing her down after she dug out of said fence - twice.
She's not good at sharing. When my other dog Shelby tried to get a toy that was really hers to begin with, a fight ensued. Shelby ended up at the vet with 4 puncture wounds. She came home with antibiotics and pain meds.
The door in my guest bathroom will have to be replaced after she chewed an inch and a half off the bottom. I'm also down one chair cushion.
She did help be "break down" a card board box to fit in the trash can. I didn't even have to ask!
I'm not giving up on her yet! I just know she's got potential. We're looking into obedience schools. I'll keep you posted!
Baby Girl, it sounds and looks to me that you'd better get that obedience training, ASAP!! Next we'll hear you're looking for a new house because she ate this one!!! LOL Love ya, Uncle Slick